
Monday, September 30, 2019

Cause and Effect Technology Essay

Technology continues to make progress every single day in society. Schools, the workplace, and even homes have advanced so much over the past twenty years. As technology starts to take over every little part of people’s lives, some new advances may end up as the â€Å"next big thing† and others may slowly destroy the ways of human life. First, technology in schools, which have adapted so many new advances in even the last five years. A cause of increased use of technology in classrooms could be the pressure to do better with the resources they were given. This can lead to three consequences such as a cheating, easier access to information, and they could even use technology as a sort of tutor. Second, the workplace has adapted to all the new technologies maybe even faster than schools. Businesses search for a more productive way to run their operations. The increased usage of technology in the workplace has a very dangerous outcome which usually manifests in stress. Three causes of the stress in the workplace could be due to technology such as malfunctions, job insecurity, and certain medical issues when the employees use the technology all the time. Last, these new technologies even have tried to make life at home simpler for everyone. Things may seem like they are there to help you, but in the long run these new techniques may end up turning out poorly. Since the new technology has been brought about, there are more ways to find a recipe than just looking in a cookbook that was found in the kitchen cupboard. This may end up in obesity for in the long run and may not even see it coming. The effects of the increased usage of technology has caused the way people live their lives at school, at work, and at home to change drastically. As more schools tend to adapt to the â€Å"technology wave† there has been an increase of discussion about whether the advances of technology in the  classroom help the students learn better, or if it distracts them from actually doing the work themselves. These types of improvements increase the pressure of succeeding academically. One result of the growing amount of pressure on a student is that children are able to use technology as a tutor. Whether it is used as an educational social media to connect peers together outside of school, or even just simply being able to go to a search engine and gain the same knowledge that could be learned in the classroom. The internet is a great tutor if the resources are used properly. Another ramification of the flourishing amount of pressure put on a student because of the increased use of technology in classrooms is that information is far more accessible than before. Due to the mass amount of information available, everything is one click away. With the use of tablets, students are able to practically hold an entire encyclopedia set in their hands. The third effect of the increase of pressure among students is the fact that academic dishonesty is too easy. Since it is so easy to gather information from other sources besides your own head when you are stuck, this can lead to dangerous temptations of cheating in school. Workplace stress is a serious consequence that employees experience because of the increased use of technology in businesses. One reason stress is created at work, related to the escalating use of technology, is due to technological malfunctions. When technology does not work correctly, employees can lose important data, miss deadlines, and slow down production. This can not only have harmful effects, but become a waste of time. Another reason stress is created in the workplace is due to job insecurity. Technology is able to do jobs that more efficiently and at a cheaper cost than what a human would do. Since the increased use of technology, robots are now able to perform simple tasks with no mistakes like the assembly line, to more complex situations like medical procedures. Companies save thousands of dollars by making the transition to robots. This creates stress on employees seeing the possibility of jobs being replaced by a robot. The last cause of this stress is the risk of medical injuries. Technology may be able to reduce some medical risks that employees had with their job, but now there are medical conditions that are arising because of the technology that workers use. Since companies are starting to use more robots, they do not  know what is going on at all times besides they are programmed what to do. Any incident could happen at any second because the robots do not stop unless a human presses a button to make them stop. The increased use of technology at home has been a blessing. Senior citizens and other adults that were not once used to technology, now are using it more than ever. For example, with the increasing use of technology, cookbooks are almost at the point of extinction. Before, when families wanted to make a new recipe for dinner, they had to get all of their cookbooks out and try to make their own recipe. This has all became simpler due to the internet. Practically any recipe can be found on the internet today. Although many recipes are so accessible, finding the perfect one may be difficult, which leads to frustration. They may not have the exact ingredients needed to make the meal or may not want to take the time to create a dinner for the family. Therefore, the outcome of someone becoming frustrated with technology could result in fast food or take-out options. Since technology has become so advanced, food can be ordered online and delivered to the door. This would cause people to become much lazier. Technology then could become the staring point of obesity. Instead of families going out and getting the food, or going out to the store and getting the ingredients for the meal they just get on the computer and order their unhealthy choices, which could lead to obesity, due to the convinces of technology, and creates a lack of exercise. Overall, technology has become a great tool for everyone and has helped paved the way to success for many. Sometimes technology does not work the way it is supposed to and causes problems to arise. But luckily, technology is slowly becoming more useful and less of a hassle. Whether technology is used at school, work, or home it has changed the way people live their lives dramatically.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Nuclear and Coal Power: Which is Better

Today we are living in a world that is becoming increasingly more environmentally conscious, yet consuming more energy than ever. Having such high-energy demands creates many environmental issues, such as pollution, land exploitation, and the consumption of finite resources. In order to begin a true conservationalist society, solutions must be found that satisfy our growing energy needs, and reduce our impact on the environment. Right now we have many sources of energy, of which nuclear and coal are the predominant energy sources of today. Since these are the major energy sources a logical step in the solution process is discovering the pros and cons of each source. Coal energy is very inexpensive and easy to recover, and accounts for approximately 40% of electric energy produced worldwide, down from 74% in 1937. In order to derive energy coal must first be mined, then transported to another location where the coal will be burned, which results in the release of toxic pollutants into the atmosphere. Coal energy is a significant contributor to both global warming and acid rain because of its high carbon and sulfur content. There also exist the harmful effects of both mining for the coal and of transporting the bulky product. There are several ways to mine for coal, the most significant of which are strip mining, and underground mining. Strip mining, as the name implies, requires massive amounts of soil be removed in order to expose the coal. Such actions leave enormous scars on the earth and require years for reclamation to occur. The eyesores created by mining underground are not as large however, the perils of underground mining have claimed hundreds if not thousands of miners lives in both accidents and diseases brought on by the extreme exposure to coal products. Then comes the extremely expensive task of transporting the coal from the mining sites to locations all around the world. Because of the bulky nature of coal, it requires a massive transportation system, which itself uses other fuels further contributing to the pollution problem. There seems to be little hope of decreasing the size of this operation, since it is entirely dependant upon the physical characteristics of the coal itself. Nuclear energy is the most concentrated source of energy currently available for use. The fuel to drive nuclear energy is also inexpensive, and nuclear energy creates the most compact waste of all the different types of energy. The major steps in the nuclear fuel cycle are as follows: 1. Mining of the ore; the danger of radiation exposures was long ignored however, the advancement of our knowledge of radioactivity has greatly reduced the risks involved with the mining process. 2.Milling; waste accounts for 99% of the resulting in great accumulations of mine tailings that have to be stored somewhere, the removal and storage of tailings still presents a problem. 5.Fuel Fabrication; once converted and enriched, the fuel is formed into ceramic balls and placed inside a tube, thus becoming a fuel rod. 6.Fuel Reprocessing; After the fuel rod is used up, it is placed underwater and stored for up to a year, after which the rod is disassembled and some of the leftover materials are reused in the enrichment phase. 7.Waste Management; Radioactive waste can have half-lives of tens of thousands of years, long-term solutions are needed. As of today waste in a concentrated liquid form is put in temporary depositories, with the hope of someday solidifying the waste so it can be stored for the long-term. From these steps, one can see the basic processes required for nuclear energy to occur. The extreme amounts of tailings present a huge hurdle to overcome, researchers are currently searching for new methods to obtain the ore, which are both less wasteful and cost efficient. However, one large benefit of nuclear energy is the ease of recycling many of the nuclear core wastes. There are no greenhouse or acid rain effects caused by the use of nuclear energy and the process itself has been thoroughly developed and understood by scientists. As with coal nuclear energy also has its drawbacks. First, nuclear plants are very expensive and require large amounts of capital before building can take place. Secondly, although the waste is very compact, the waste is also highly hazardous to the environment. And lastly there is the issue of nuclear meltdown, which is detrimental to life and the environment. This last issue of meltdown or other possible cases of public exposure is the single largest factor limiting further implementation of nuclear power around the world. People assume that nuclear energy is extremely unstable, when it is actually extremely stable. Coal power is much more hazardous than nuclear power, but people seem to be unwilling to accept nuclear energy and continue to use less safe coal energy. The transportation of nuclear energy is extremely safe. â€Å"No activity in the history of technology has as good a safety record and is accomplished with as little risk as the transportation of nuclear material.† Knowing such a fact as this might begin to persuade those who doubt the safety of nuclear energy, and possibly embrace this technology. With this brief look into the environmental crisis that human†s high energy needs have created, it is important for us to find a suitable solution that appeases our energy needs without destroying the environment any more. It is necessary to gauge the benefits against the risks of all of our energy sources, and determine which ones best suit our needs and the needs of the planet. We can no longer be an uneducated public, for the power governing which sources of energy are used ultimately lie in the hands of the public. Fear of what we do not understand is not the way to decide, people need to take the initiative to discover for themselves what is best for them, and more importantly what is best for the environment.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Argumentive Essays - Trojans, Mythological Kings, Epic Cycle

The Trojan War I am almost sure that we all know the stories of Greek Mythology. Now for Troy and its war, we may only know the stories implied by novels and movies. Some tails and myths have only part of the story which might seem more exciting then what actually started the fight, and how it really ended. Achilles didn?t really die at the end of the war. He was said to conquer Troy after the war had ended. This war is very popular because it lasted a decade. Achilles was the son of Thetis and Peleus. His mother tried to protect him from a prophecy of early death by dipping him into the River Styx, which would make him invulnerable? However, she held him by the heel so his heel was unprotected. She sent him to hide in the court of the king of Scyros, where he was disguised as a girl and married the princess Deidamia. Odysseus disguised himself as a traveling merchant, and tempted Achilles into revealing himself using a beautiful sword. The Iliad is a story that deals with a small part of the Trojan War. The cause of this war is when Paris, the prince of Troy, sailed to Sparta, seduced and abducted Helen and returned to Troy. When Menelaos discovered that his wife was gone, he gathered a number of Greek generals together to go with him, conquer Troy, and retrieve his wife. However, the Iliad only covers a few months during the tenth year of the war. In this time, many important events took place that could have possibly altered the outcome of this historic event? Two beautiful women whom were enemies of the Achaeans are captured during one of the many raids the army had on Troy. One of the women, named Chrysies is the prize for Ahomemnon (the king and commander-in ?chief of the Achaeans). But Chrysies? father, Chrysies wants his daughter back. Cheresies, whom was the priest God of Apollo, is hoping to go to the Achaean camp and claim his daughter. Unfortunately, this plan did not work out. And because of this, Chrys ies prays to Apollo for help. Apollo did in fact help the old man by spreading a deadly plague through the Achaean army, killing hundreds of them. After days of this, the Achaean?s most honored soldier, Achilles calls a meeting to determine the cause of the plague. A soothsayer of the Achaeans determines that King Agamemnon?s arrogance caused the plague by not returning the woman whom was captured to be his war prize. After finding this out, the woman is returned but Agamemnon takes Briseis whom was the prize captured for Achilles. Achilles is angry and publicly insulted so therefore he refuses to fight for the Achaeans and withdrawals his troops. He then requests to his mother Thetis (a sea nymph) to influence Zeus to help the Trojans defeat the Achaeans. The leader of the Gods promises Thetis that he will help. Zeus sends a dream to Agamemnon that has him convinced he will defeat the Trojans in battle the next day. With the order from Agamemnon, the army prepares itself for attack . The Trojans and Achaeans draw towards each other and Paris challenges one of the Achaeans to a one on one fight. The challenger of this is Menelaos. The winner will win Helen and both sides will agree on a treaty of peace. During the duel, Menelaos wounds Paris and begins dragging him to the Achaean?s territory when suddenly, Aphrodite appears and rescues him. Agamemnon announces to his army that they have won and demands that Helen is given back to them. Goddesses Hera and Athena want a complete destruction of Troy and they ask Zeus if no truce were made. Zeus in turn gives in and grants them their wish. As a result, the fighting soon resumes. As a way to start the war anew, Athena searches for Pandaros, a Trojan leader and tells him to kill Menelaos. Being the type of person Pandaros is he follows through with her advice. But instead of killing Menelaos, he only wounds him. The Achaeans are shocked that the Trojans would do this being that the truce is

Friday, September 27, 2019

Macbeth Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 3

Macbeth - Essay Example "The tragic hero has tragic flaw, on hamartia that is the cause of his downfall† and â€Å"The tragic hero has a hubris surrounding him, a person or thing that sets the stage for his fall. It will include all of the conditions that will cause the tragic hero to fail.† (Is Utena a Tragic Hero?). Shakespeare created his tragic heroes after Aristotle’s concept of the tragic hero and each of his tragic heroes had their own tragic flaws: in Hamlet it was procrastination, in Othello it was over credulousness and in Macbeth it is his vaulting ambition which motivates him to commit a series of murders that ultimately leads to his downfall. Now the question is whether his tragedy was a result of fate by outside factors, namely fate in the form of the three witches or was it a result of his own actions. There is no doubt that the vaulting ambition was prevalent in his inner psyche; it is stirred by the prophesy of the three witches and it is this inner urge in him that make s Lady Macbeth to influence and manipulate him to murder Duncan, the king of Scotland which ultimately brought his downfall. Thus, it is evident that Macbeth is really a tragic hero who has heroic and noble qualities, which are relegated in to the backdrop because of his vaulting ambition and pursuit of power. From the very out set of the play, the attention of the audience is arrested with the emergence of the three witches. One feels sympathy, instead of hatred, for the plight of Macbeth, as it is sure from his nature that he wouldn’t have committed the series of murders including that of the king Duncan, had it not been for the prophesy of the witches and the constant temptation from his wife Lady Macbeth. The three greetings made by the three witches in Act 1, scene 111, confuses Macbeth and when he finds that the second prophesy, that of becoming the Thane of Cawdor, is also fulfilled, it is natural for him to dream of the fulfillment of the third prophesy- that of becoming the king of

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Deontological Second Paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Deontological Second Paper - Essay Example In order to discuss the ethical acceptability of the direct-to-consumer marketing of pharmaceutical drugs from a deontological point of view, it is good to consider Kant’s categorical imperative. The categorical imperative is the central philosophical theory in the deontological moral philosophy proposed by Immanuel Kant in his work Grounding for the Metaphysics of Morals in 1785. This philosophical concept is generally accepted as a way of analyzing motivations for action. â€Å"Kant’s categorical imperative states that an action is morally right if and only we can will that the maxim (or principle) represented by our action be a universal law† (as qtd in Shaw 58). Kant strongly says that reason alone can produce a moral law and there is no need of empirical reasoning to arrive at absolute moral truth. Kant specifically tells that a moral rule should be consistently universalizable and free from internal contradiction. As Masters cite from Kant, moral rules must be based on categorical imperatives but not hypothetical imperatives (111). He adds that those rules must necessarily bind everyone unconditionally, and should not take specific goals or desires of individuals into account. Referring to Kant’s categorical imperatives, it is unethical to allow the direct-to-consumer marketing of pharmaceutical drugs. As George describes in the case study, it is clear that the pharmaceutical industry spent $1.19 billion on TV ads in 2005 (319). Although the industry leaders claim that these TV ads educate people about a variety of illnesses and keep them informed of the possible drugs to treat those illnesses, it is obvious that their actual motive is to generate more sales and to increase profits. When prescription drugs are marketed on a business motive, healthcare becomes a commodity, and the situation hurts fundamental human values. Actually, prescription

Multinational Corporations in Third World Countries Essay

Multinational Corporations in Third World Countries - Essay Example Globalization is a phenomenon where the world is increasingly becoming integrated socially, economically and politically. These is mainly due to advancements in information communication technology( ICT), improvement in transport infrastructure, expedite mass migration and movement of people as well as the trade in goods and services leading to an increased economic activity that has surpassed national markets necessitating the need to exploit markets outside the borders (Jan A S, 2000). Increased technological advancement, liberalized world markets and intense competition has resulted to increased globalization. Third world countries is a term that refers to the least developed countries of the south which includes countries found in Asia, Africa, Latin America Oceania and the Caribbean. The term came about after world war two where the bourgeoisie regimes of the west were referred to as the west while the antagonistic regimes of the orient were referred to as the East and were socialist. The newly independent countries of the south coined the term third world to signify their non aligned disposition. These countries are generally characterized by low levels of investments, rampant poverty and diseases, high illiteracy levels, poor infrastructure, political instability, poor governance where the ruling elites are wealthy (comprador bourgeoisie) coupled with high birth rate with low economic growth rate (Breda P, 1983). Other features include distorted and highly dependent economies(dependency) on aid, grants and technical assistance, a key feature that is furthered by the actions of the MNC 'S and global institutions like the world bank and the International Monetary Fund(IMF). These economies generally produce primary goods that are exported to the west for value addition while they act as markets for finished products from the west. As they are technologically inferior. Third world countries lag behind in development because of various factors but it should be noted that they why brought into the global capitalistic system through colonization-a stage in globalization, a phenomena whose effect was to be felt later more so with end of the cold war. This is one of the major reasons for the cause of under development in the least developed countries. These poor countries have always sought various ways by which they can solve these development problems mainly through foreign aid and technical assistance that is overly done under the auspice of international institutions e.g. the World Bank and the IMF. These efforts have failed over the years to stem the sinking of these countries further down the path of under development hence today there is a new approach to development in the south through the need to attract and retain the foreign direct investments (FDI's). One way of achieving these objectives has been through the privatization of state enterprises.Privatization is the sale, transfer or concession of government assets or services to a privately owned entity. This has been the cornerstone of the structural adjustment program advocated by the World Bank and the IMF in the 1980's to try and stimulate growth and development in the third world (Emmanuel S S, 1987). The aim has always been to increase efficiency brought by the need for profit maximization, and increase revenue to the state in

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Product Strategy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Product Strategy - Essay Example Consequently, by incorporating the consumers’ requirements in the designs, quality and composition of its products, an organization is in a position to win over customer loyalty and attract new and potential customers. The customer’s role in the research and development of new products is essential. The significance it plays, as far as profits and sales are concerned is extensive. Many entrepreneurs believe that inventions and innovations normally improve sales. This is opposed to reliance on customers’ needs, where one customer’s demand differs from another customer’s demand. They believe that what can break this barrier are innovations and inventions and that through innovation, a new product is introduced into the market and bridges the different consumer demands, making such opposing needs to converge (Wahab, 2013). Their paradigm is, however, inaccurate because marketing as a strategy concept involves, first knowing the target market, then the needs, wants and demands of the customers. Without knowing consumers’ demands then it is a waste of time selling because a business can be selling an irrelevant product that the target market does not need. Pursuant to that is understanding the products and services on offer since this is what will retain customers’ needs or demands; without consumers then marketing ceases to outlive its usefulness. Last is offering high-quality products and ensuring consumer satisfaction based on how the product is sold (Howard, 2014). Mark Cohen, in his article in the New York Times titled: A Revolutionary Marketing Strategy: Answer Customers’ Question, paints a picture of how the proprietor of Riverpools and Spas, Marcus Sheridon, used his marketing prowess to move the company which was on the brink of collapse back to prosperity. Where Marcus abandoned conventional marketing for content marketing this paid

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Internship experience at Arabian Building Chemicals factory Essay

Internship experience at Arabian Building Chemicals factory - Essay Example Internship experience at Arabian Building Chemicals factory My major task was to determine the satisfaction level of the employees within the organization through survey and data collection method. ABC Company is one of the emerging Saudi Arab based paint products manufacturing organization. This internship report will try to motivate the employees of the organization to participate in the sample survey data collection method. Primary and secondary data collection method has been implemented to achieve significant data. The report will propose some recommendations if there is any problem with the workplace environment and employee satisfaction level. The Report Methodology and Individual task This internship report has been compiled based on the experiences during the internship at ABC Company. The data and information is gathered from sample survey method, secondary literature sources and text books. I joined Arabian Building Chemicals factory as a management trainee in the human resource department. My internship duration was 2 months. My role was to review the employee satisfaction level and employee loyalty. Introduction Several leading organizations around the globe are trying to implement new unique strategies in order to retain effective and skilled employees. Now-a-days, the organizations are trying to develop effective HRM strategies. HR policy can enhance effective organizational culture and favorable workplace environment. Skilled employees always demand favorable workplace environment and effective communication with the top management. ... This report will determine the ABC Company’s employee satisfaction level and loyalty of employees. Summary of Internship positions, scope, goals and objectives Employee and workplace management in a manufacturing company is a challenging task. This process needs experienced and skilled management team who can manage effective workplace environment by handling the workplace issues with sheer leadership skills. I have joined the company as a human resource management trainee. The human resource manager, sales department manager, general manager and law department manager helped me to learn several practical aspects of HRM. My role was to review the satisfaction level of the employees. Moreover, I had to find out the conflicts and issues with respect to the workplace if they are available. It can provide huge scope for my future career. I am trying to enter in this type of management sector. The 2 months of internship experience can help to provide solutions to the critical cases in my future organization. This internship experience can help me to achieve both professional and personal growth. My key task was to handle the entire questionnaire and the employees who are participated in this data collection process. HRM Process Every business aims at the realization of a particular mission. The mission can be achieved through the adoption of appropriate strategies and when carried out in the proper fashion. This is done by the employees of the organization who are regarded as the biggest assets. It is the task of the human resource management department to understand who should be entrusted with what job and who has the capability to taste success in the times to come. Hence how the people would carry

Monday, September 23, 2019

Sanskrit Numerations Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Sanskrit Numerations - Essay Example It is widely agreed upon that that Vedic form of Sanskrit underwent a seamless evolution into the Classic Sanskrit by the middle of the first millennium BC where it changed from the first language to the second language of religion and learning. The whole Hindu-Arabic numeral system is a place value numeral system, which to the most part is built on the base 10, unlike the Babylonian base 60 system (J.J O'Connor and E F Robertson, par.3). The place value system of enumeration is built into the Sanskrit language which used nine numerals and the zero to give representation to numbers ranging from the smallest of decimals to the largest powers of ten. Sanskrit gives each power of ten a distinguishable name and as a result giving no special significance to a separate number. The Yajurveda Samhitaa listed names of units of ten up to 10 to the twelfth power (India and the Scientific Revolution, sec.3) and in times to come, Buddhist and Jain authors carried forward the list to the fifty-third power. The Sanskrit numeration system provides actual distinct names to the powers of ten, in stark contrast to the English style of using auxiliary bases like thousand, billion etc. Numbers from the start were expressed by taking the names o f the first nine units separately and the powers of ten. For Sanskrit, literature number words were used for the first nine numbers and the powers of ten. The most widely used place value symbols belong to the Devanagari script numerals, which are themselves very similar to the Brahmi numerals and form the basis of the modern Hindu-Arabic numerals (Origins, par.1). The numbers till the first power of 10 in the Sanskrit language are: The introduction of a 10th symbol, for the numeral Zero paved the way for the positional system of decimal numeration. The modern decimal system was born when the symbol for the numeral Zero came in the shape of a small circle with a dot in the middle (the dot was later dropped in the modern '0'). The widely known advancement in Arab mathematics was based on the Sanskrit numeral system and its place value and decimal system of enumeration methods. Around the seventh and eighth century, the simple and ingenious Sanskrit methods came to the attention of the Arabs and it wasn't till the 12th century that it reached Europe when Adelard of Bath translated the work of Al-Khwarizmi (an Arab mathematician) into Latin (India and the scientific revolution, sec.3). Europe, more familiar with the Roman numeral system was resistant to the Sanskrit numeral system but when the eventual adoption finally occurred, a scientific revolution swept Europe beginning in the thirteenth century. Sanskrit language and its numeral system have greatly contributed to the modern day languages and mathematics. The Devanagri script which is adopted by Hindi, Marathi and Sanskrit still employ the same numeral symbols, although the names of the numbers vary by language. The Sanskrit language is used mainly in Hindu religious rituals but the Sanskrit numerals system is the true pioneer of the modern-day mathematics. The place-value system embedded in the Sanskrit numeral system makes some parts of it very logical and wonderfully easy and simple for scientific and mathematical reasoning (India and the scientific revolution, sec.3). It outshone the Greek and Roman numeral methods and forced the Europeans

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Huckleberry Finn Essay Example for Free

Huckleberry Finn Essay Theme, structure and social characteristics as the literary elements, highlighting the spiritual growth of the main characters in â€Å"My Name is Asher Lev†, â€Å"Emma† and â€Å"Huckleberry Finn† The present paper is designed to discuss three novels about moral maturation and the growth of self-awareness, â€Å"Huckleberry Finn† by Mark Twain, whose protagonist is Huckleberry Finn, Jane Austen’s â€Å"Emma†, named after the protagonist and â€Å"My Name is Asher Lev† by Chaim Potok, whose main character is Asher Lev. Notably, the authors necessarily indicate the protagonists’ names in the titles, underlining their moral and psychological development as a central plotline. The literary elements of theme, structure and protagonist’s social characteristics actually strengthen the reader’s understanding of the character’s spiritual growth: Lev’s novel demonstrates’ the protagonist’s liberation from the community bonds through the lens of the theme of social pressure, Twain’s writing – the progress of Huck’s humanistic views underlining the theme of slavery, Austen’s work – Emma’s psychological maturation, through prioritizing the theme of marriage, moreover, all works by their structure provide the mistakes made by the protagonists on their path and thus make clear to the reader that development is not a smooth and gradual process, whereas the change or stability of sociological characteristics pay reader’s attention either to the connection between self-awareness and social position or to the purely inner revolution. The characters actually perfect very distinct aspects of self awareness: Emma, for instance, overgrows the selfish and infantile girl, whose main interest is manipulating the others’ fates (as she appears at the beginning), Asher Lev realizes that he is actually an independent personality rather than the subject of the Hassidic community after being judged for depicting the his mother’s anguish, whereas Huckleberry Finn, who has never considered carefully the issue of racial equality, begins to realize his humanistic views and oppose the oppression of slaves and the split of their families. Due to the fact that the major theme in â€Å"My Name is Asher Lev† is community bonds and the conflict itself develops in terms of the weakening of the commitment to the groups of Hassids (Walden, 1985), the protagonist, who is a bright and unordinary individuality, should ascend over the blind observance of community tradition and learn to distinguish himself from the group. Therefore, his development is associated with individuation and learning of his ego and the religious conflict results in the development of Asher’s ability to assert his self: â€Å"So it is time for the defense, for a long session in demythology. But I will not apologize. It is absurd to apologize for a mystery†(Potok, 1998, at http://search. barnesandnoble. com). The theme of marriage as the leading one in â€Å"Emma† is also related to the main character’s development: whereas at first, Emma views marriage as a game, popular in her environment, she is still not infantile to understand that this specific type of partnership is based necessarily on strong affection after developing the feelings for her brother-in-law; whereas at the beginning she has fear for the responsibility associated with marriage. The theme of slavery also supports the reader’s understanding of the young protagonist’s moral growth in â€Å"Huckleberry Finn†: â€Å"I’m low down; and I’m a-going to steal him† (Twain, 1999, Ch. 33); as one can understand, Huck no longer views Jim as property, but in order to persuade Tom, he recognizes his own inclination to wrongdoing and takes entire responsibility for the stealing the slave. The structure of the stories is generally similar: the greatest part of the plot is dedicated to depicting the behavioral imperfections of the protagonist, so that the reader can feel the protagonist is an ordinary person, whose growth is based upon his/her own mistakes. For instance, â€Å"Emma† at first depicts an arrogant and class-conscious girl saying â€Å"The yeomanry are precisely the order of people with whom I feel I can have nothing to do† (Austen, 2001, Vol. 1 Ch. 4) and throughout the first two parts she acts as a quarrelsome person, whereas her later reasoning can be characterized as wiser: â€Å"I think Harriet is doing extremely well â€Å"(Austen, 2001, Vol. 3, Ch. 28), i. e. she approves of her best friend’ marriage to the farmer, having got the idea of love and letting it in. Beyond mistakes, Potok’s and Twain’s protagonists also encounter difficulties and adversities, which shape their outlooks; for instance, Lev’s story can be divided into three parts (Walden, 1985): period of the teenage conflict with the environment, movement toward the goal in Kahn’s studio and the resolution of the conflict and individuation (Potok, 1972). Huck’s moral development is less gradual and actually consists of several insights: 1) first encounter with Jim as a fugitive slave and the initial desire to help him; 2) The loss of the companion after meeting the â€Å"aristocrats† and Jim’s imprisonment in Phelpses’ house. Finally, social characteristics of the protagonists are quite expressive themselves and point actually to the qualities to be changed. For instance, Emma is introduced as a girl with a degree of self-importance and class-based prejudice because of her upper class identity, but later she begins to understand her friend Harriet in her love for Martin and thus grows more open-minded; furthermore, her maturation is accompanied by the change of social characteristics, as Emma accepts Knightley’s proposition Huck Finn’s social characteristics remain practically the same, as the author seeks to maintain the reader’s focus on the advancement of his moral qualities, so that the adolescent still remains to some extent uncommitted to social norms (â€Å"Aunt Sally she’s going to adopt me and sivilize me, and I can’t stand it† (Twain 1999, Ch. 43), in spite of having developed his distinct attitude towards slavery. Asher Lev, in turn, drastically changes his social identity: the growth of his self-awareness and self-identity result in his alienation and separation from the community. To sum up, the reader’s understanding of the protagonist’s path toward self-awareness is to great extent manipulated by the authors: Jane Austen, Chaim Potok and Mark Twain design the plot structure, which underlines the failures and subsequent insights of the protagonist, embed the central theme into the main character’s spiritual growth and substantially change the protagonist’s social features, except Huck’s case, in which the focus on morality shift is broadened through remaining social characteristics stable. Reference list Austen, J. (2001). Emma. At http://ebooks. adelaide. edu. au/a/austen/jane/a93e/. Twain, M. (1999). Huckleberry Finn. At Potok, C. (1972). My Name is Asher Lev. Alfred A. Knopf. Potok, C. (1998). My Name is Asher Lev. At http://search. barnesandnoble. com/booksearch/isbninquiry. asp? ean=9781400031047displayonly=EXCz=y#EXC http://etext. virginia. edu/toc/modeng/public/Twa2Huc. html Walden, D. (1985). The World of Chaim Potok . State University of New York Press, 1985.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Bill of Rights Impact and Causes

Bill of Rights Impact and Causes Brandon Huff The Bill of Rights are the first ten Amendments in the Constitution, and were created for greater constitutional protections of our individual rights. These were written by James Madison, a member of the House of Representatives at the time. There were two parties at the time, the Federalists and the Anti-Federalists. The Federalists believed that they did not need a Bill of Rights because the people and states had the powers not given to the government. While the Anti-Federalists believed that it was absolutely necessary to have, and was needed to protect the individuals rights. While Madison was writing these Amendments, it was argued that Congress couldnt change the constitution, so Madison proposed they be added on as Amendments. Madison wrote twenty amendments and of those the House approved seventeen of them. From there they were sent to the Senate where only twelve survived. Of those twelve sent to the states, only ten passed. These amendments are a list of limits on government power. This means that a right that was seen as a natural are protected with this document The Amendments include freedom of speech, the right to bear arms, no soldier shall live in the house of a citizen without consent, the right against unreasonable searches to house, car, self, and effects; the right to not be tried of the same offense twice, the right to a quick trial by an impartial jury, the right of trial by jury of an offense over twenty dollars, no excessive bail or unreasonable punishments, the enumeration of certain rights may not be construed, and the powers not delegated nor given to the states by the Constitution are the rights of the states. These rights given to us will always be ours and nothing can take them away from us. But why did the they choose only these amendments to ratify and use for our Bill of Rights? Each of those who voted and ratified these believed that these were unalienable rights given to us by God and therefore, shouldnt be controlled by the government. These are right that were put on paper to prevent the government from taking over the country and trying to take our rights away.   Each of these amendments protects very specific things, that as a nation we will need in order to keep the big government in check. Lets look at each amendment individually and see why it would be chosen. The first amendment protects our right to exercise our religion, speech, peaceful assembly, and press. This means that no matter what you believe in, you can believe it in the open and not having to fear the government is going to come after you. Next, you can say what you want where you want, though it probably isnt the best idea all the time. You can also write in the papers, or say on the news what you believe about certain things and it wont be taken out or edited. Last, we can gather in protest of something anywhere as long as it is a peaceful and controlled protest. This freedom allows us to keep the government in check and allows us as the people to offer changes or things we believe will help the country. Next, our right to bear arms. This seems pretty self-explanatory, if the need arises we can protect ourselves. Whether that mean from an intruder, or an attacker, or even from the government itself. This is probably one of the most important things given to us as a people, because protecting ourselves is not an option in a lot of other places around the world. Our third right is the right we have to our own house. A soldier cant come and live on our house during a time of war unless given permission. This doesnt really apply to todays world, but when it was made people attacking and fighting on American soil. So, it was only obvious that they would make one stating the privacy you have within your home. Fourth is the right that protects us, our property, and belongings from being unreasonably searched, or without a warrant. This is very important because without it the government could just take and go through whatever they want to without a reason. This protects the right to privacy and ownership. The idea that you own something and have the ability to say no is a very good thing to have. Our fifth right is the right we have to avoid being charged the same offense twice. If we have been accused and proven not guilty, we wont be tried again for the same crime. It also protects our other basic rights listed above, such as the thing of ones property. This is one that is not well known and is underestimated in its importance, but is a crucial part of the Bill of Rights. Next, is the right to a speedy trial and the ability to have someone able represent them in a court of law. It also protects against people that would be trying to influence you as a witness, or someone who wants to do you harm. This protection and help in the courts is very important even now as people still try to change the minds of those involved with trials and so forth. The seventh goes along with the previous two in a sense it involves the courts. Any crime exceeding went dollars must go through a court and have a trial. This helps prevent unjust rulings by one or another in   the sense that they must be a jury to decide what happens. Since most every crime exceeds twenty dollars almost every crime is done through our legal system. This is the best way to do things because our legal system is very through and very good. Next is our right to not have an excessive bail set for our release form jail. It must be appropriate with the crime committed, we dont need to worry about a million dollar bail if all we did was graffiti. This is for us as a people to feel like we can still have some hope of getting out early, whether or not thats what we need is something else entirely. The ninth amendment protects us from having all of our other ones being misinterpreted. Some people will try to pretend they dont know what our rights mean, or will try to violate them even if do not know they are. This will protect us from that and if one is caught misinterpreting our rights they receive and just punishment. Our last right states that any power not delegated to the United States by the Constitution is given to the states. This prevents the government controlling everything in all the states all the time. It gives the states a right to control a more local area and it helps keep an eye on the government. With each state having its own rights they can watch and keep the government in check. Now, of all of the amendments proposed to be in this Bill of Rights, the people chose these ten. They couldnt have chosen better. These are the very things that, if not specifically given to us as the people and the stats themselves; that the government might want to control at a later date. This Bill of Rights is a very important part of the United States and helps keep this country free and allows it to be run by the people. Without the foresight of our early leaders and the compromise they came to in the making of this document, America might be a very different place. I believe that this document helped shape the nation into what it is today. Without these rights given to us we couldnt do some things that we needed to do, nor could we guarantee that we would be safe from corrupt and unlawful people and trials. With these set in place we can have protection from corrupt people, are able to watch the government, and are free to protect ourselves from more upfront threats. These give us security in our nation and knowing that we the people have the power to make this country what it is. We elect our leaders, we elect our representatives, we elect all of the people in any position of power. If they dont do a good job we elect someone else, but it is always our choice who is in charge. That is a luxury that many nations dont have, and we as a people have forgotten how important it truly is. By reading this people can realize what we have in this country and how much we can really do for it. People act like they cant do anything so why bother, or some try to change things that doesnt need to or the have no control over. We need to go back and read what we can do, what we cant and all work together to make this country better for all.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Essay --

ANALYSIS OF YANBU CEMENT COMPANY AND IS PRODUCT Name Institution History of YANBU Cement Company YANBU Cement Company is a joint stock Saudi company formed in the year 1977. It produces different kinds of cement such as the Portland cement and the Portland Pozzolan Cement. The company owns about 60% of Yanbu Saudi Kuwait for Paper Products Co. Limited. The company currently has a capacity of 22,500 tpd per day. The company sells most of its products in Makka and Madina and other Western regions of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. The company operates in the rapidly growing Saudi cement industry. Saudi Arabia is the third largest producer of cement after Iran and Egypt. Product, features and history Cement is a finely ground compound of limestone and clay or marl (Chandigarh, 2001). It is used in hydraulic binding since it hardens and binds together aggregates and becomes waterproof thereafter. The most popular use of sand is in building and construction where it is used to bind sand and gravel to obtain concrete used in constructing houses, roads, water channels, among others. Yanbu Cement company produces different types of cement such as Portland cement types I, II, III and IV. Effects of changing prices and other factors Changing prices Yanbu operates in a highly competitive industry with several well-established cement manufacturers. Its main competitors include Saudi Cement, Yanama Cement, Arabian Cement, Qassim Cement, Al Safwa cement, among other cement companies. By the year 2010, Yanbu had the second largest cement production capacity after Saudi Cement. The price charged for each bag of cement is a major determinant of demand for a company’s cement in the market. According to the law of demand, m... ... has contributed to higher volumes of production. Saudi Arabia is endowed with large deposits of limestone making it a suitable location for cement manufacturing. Proximity to the source of raw materials also reduces the transport cost. Finally, government policy influences the supply of cement. A price ceiling on cement leads to a reduction in cement supplied in the domestic market and an increase in the quantity exported. An export ban restricts cement manufacturers to supply their products to the domestic market. In addition, government control is effected through issuance of licenses to cement manufacturers. The cement industry had been dominated by eight companies but this has changed with the issuance of licenses to additional seven companies. An increase in the number of firms licensed to manufacture cement leads to an increase in the supply of cement.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Characters and Setting in Poes Fall of The House of Usher Essay

Characters and Setting in The Fall of the House of Usher    The primary objective in â€Å"The Fall of the House of Usher† is to give the reader a sense of horror. Through the creation of elaborate imagery and dreary circumstances Poe conveys a story that elicits in the reader the dark feelings he has hoped for. In this analysis I will focus on Poe’s characters and setting, and how he structures them to produce the overall effect.    The story begins with a description of our narrator’s first impressions of the House of Usher. He has been summoned there so that he might provide comfort to his boyhood friend. The particular friend, Roderick Usher, is an eccentric character which the narrator has not seen in quite some time. The reason for his visit is so that he, Usher’s only friend, may provide some companionship which will ease Usher’s lonely, disturbed mind. The setting for this story takes place in what is known as the House of Usher. The house is reminiscent of a sovereign insane asylum. The family who has lived in the house for many years is described by Poe as having a stem with no branches (p.665). The occurrences which have taken place throughout the years of this family’s incessant and peculiar behavior give the house a life of its own which tells an eerie story. In the particular passage we have chosen the narrator describes the effect upon seeing the house: â€Å"It was a m ystery all insoluble.†(p.654) The mysteriousness surrounding the house gives it a sense of darkness. The term â€Å"mystery† also serves to tap into the reader’s curiosity. This quality is important to the overall effect of Poe’s story. By leaving the effect of the house as something somewhat unknown he lures the reader to join the narrator in a disc... ...ing set the stage, Poe’s story culminates with a battle between Usher and his sister. This episode provides the reader with an exciting display of the horror for which he has been warned throughout the story. Earlier in the story the narrator told of the entombment of lady Madeline -- Usher’s sister. Although the reader knows she has been entombed, it is not until the end that it is revealed she was buried alive. On the last night of the narrator’s stay lady Madeline erupts from her coffin to battle her brother. The narrator darts out of the house as the House of Usher and sees its’ final demise.    The style and structure of Poe’s story are excellent. His use of descriptive phrases and psychology paint a twisted picture for the audience. The slow -- moving style creates a feeling of suspense that is perfectly released as the story comes to a dramatic ending. Characters and Setting in Poe's Fall of The House of Usher Essay Characters and Setting in The Fall of the House of Usher    The primary objective in â€Å"The Fall of the House of Usher† is to give the reader a sense of horror. Through the creation of elaborate imagery and dreary circumstances Poe conveys a story that elicits in the reader the dark feelings he has hoped for. In this analysis I will focus on Poe’s characters and setting, and how he structures them to produce the overall effect.    The story begins with a description of our narrator’s first impressions of the House of Usher. He has been summoned there so that he might provide comfort to his boyhood friend. The particular friend, Roderick Usher, is an eccentric character which the narrator has not seen in quite some time. The reason for his visit is so that he, Usher’s only friend, may provide some companionship which will ease Usher’s lonely, disturbed mind. The setting for this story takes place in what is known as the House of Usher. The house is reminiscent of a sovereign insane asylum. The family who has lived in the house for many years is described by Poe as having a stem with no branches (p.665). The occurrences which have taken place throughout the years of this family’s incessant and peculiar behavior give the house a life of its own which tells an eerie story. In the particular passage we have chosen the narrator describes the effect upon seeing the house: â€Å"It was a m ystery all insoluble.†(p.654) The mysteriousness surrounding the house gives it a sense of darkness. The term â€Å"mystery† also serves to tap into the reader’s curiosity. This quality is important to the overall effect of Poe’s story. By leaving the effect of the house as something somewhat unknown he lures the reader to join the narrator in a disc... ...ing set the stage, Poe’s story culminates with a battle between Usher and his sister. This episode provides the reader with an exciting display of the horror for which he has been warned throughout the story. Earlier in the story the narrator told of the entombment of lady Madeline -- Usher’s sister. Although the reader knows she has been entombed, it is not until the end that it is revealed she was buried alive. On the last night of the narrator’s stay lady Madeline erupts from her coffin to battle her brother. The narrator darts out of the house as the House of Usher and sees its’ final demise.    The style and structure of Poe’s story are excellent. His use of descriptive phrases and psychology paint a twisted picture for the audience. The slow -- moving style creates a feeling of suspense that is perfectly released as the story comes to a dramatic ending.

Violence Towards Women in Tibet Essays -- Culture Cultural

Violence Towards Women in Tibet Introduction: Due to gender discrimination, there is more violence against Tibetan women than men by the People’s Republic of China (PRC). Unconsented and forceful acts of violence have been committed against Tibetan women, specifically targeted at Buddhist nuns, since the Chinese invasion of Tibet in 1950. While Tibetan women non-violently protest the Chinese government, they are physically, emotionally, and sexually abused by troops and within prisons. The human rights of these women have been completely disregarded. History of Women in Tibet: Tibetan women essentially had equal rights with men in their country. They had the privilege of many civil liberties that women of other nationalities did not have. Outsiders viewed Tibet as a perfect society in the mountains. Although women had many rights and a lot of power within their own families, Tibet was no Shangri-La. While women were usually equal to men under the law, women in Tibet were clearly socially inferior to their male counterparts. After the Chinese invasion of 1950, the Chinese claimed through propaganda that Tibetan women were repressed in the society. They claimed they would absolve women of their inferiority and get rid of class and regional distinctions. In fact they have only subjected women to more pain, torture, and emotional suffering. In ancient Tibet, women take pleasure in similar culture and freedoms as men. Due to a culture of Tibetan Buddhism, equality is promoted throughout the country. Tibetologists explain hardships of women through the strict class variations instead of an inequality between the sexes. Marriage rights in Tibet are equal for both men and women. There are three types o... ...lic of China: Call for accountability for Tibetan deaths in custody in Drapchi Prison.† Amnesty International, February, 2002. < http://www.amnestyusa.org/stoptorture/document.do?id=8B95BB3DE3AF900A8 0256B7600415B45>. Omvedt, Gail. Violence against Women: New Movements and New Theories in India. New Delhi: Kali for Women, 1990. Tibet Justice Center. Violence Against Tibetan Women. March, 1995. Tibet Justice Center. Violence and Discrimination Against Tibetan Women. December, 1998. Tibetan Women’s Association. Our Will Against Their Might; Women Prisoners of Conscience in Tibet: A Report. New Delhi: Tibetan Women’s Association, 1995. Yardley, Jim. â€Å"China Grants and Early Release of Tibetan Nun.† New York Times, February, 2004. Violence Towards Women in Tibet Essays -- Culture Cultural Violence Towards Women in Tibet Introduction: Due to gender discrimination, there is more violence against Tibetan women than men by the People’s Republic of China (PRC). Unconsented and forceful acts of violence have been committed against Tibetan women, specifically targeted at Buddhist nuns, since the Chinese invasion of Tibet in 1950. While Tibetan women non-violently protest the Chinese government, they are physically, emotionally, and sexually abused by troops and within prisons. The human rights of these women have been completely disregarded. History of Women in Tibet: Tibetan women essentially had equal rights with men in their country. They had the privilege of many civil liberties that women of other nationalities did not have. Outsiders viewed Tibet as a perfect society in the mountains. Although women had many rights and a lot of power within their own families, Tibet was no Shangri-La. While women were usually equal to men under the law, women in Tibet were clearly socially inferior to their male counterparts. After the Chinese invasion of 1950, the Chinese claimed through propaganda that Tibetan women were repressed in the society. They claimed they would absolve women of their inferiority and get rid of class and regional distinctions. In fact they have only subjected women to more pain, torture, and emotional suffering. In ancient Tibet, women take pleasure in similar culture and freedoms as men. Due to a culture of Tibetan Buddhism, equality is promoted throughout the country. Tibetologists explain hardships of women through the strict class variations instead of an inequality between the sexes. Marriage rights in Tibet are equal for both men and women. There are three types o... ...lic of China: Call for accountability for Tibetan deaths in custody in Drapchi Prison.† Amnesty International, February, 2002. < http://www.amnestyusa.org/stoptorture/document.do?id=8B95BB3DE3AF900A8 0256B7600415B45>. Omvedt, Gail. Violence against Women: New Movements and New Theories in India. New Delhi: Kali for Women, 1990. Tibet Justice Center. Violence Against Tibetan Women. March, 1995. Tibet Justice Center. Violence and Discrimination Against Tibetan Women. December, 1998. Tibetan Women’s Association. Our Will Against Their Might; Women Prisoners of Conscience in Tibet: A Report. New Delhi: Tibetan Women’s Association, 1995. Yardley, Jim. â€Å"China Grants and Early Release of Tibetan Nun.† New York Times, February, 2004.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Aj Davis Department Store Part B

AJ Davis Department Store Part B AJ Davis Department Store Introduction The following information will show whether or not the manager’s speculations are correct. He wants to know the following information: Is the average mean greater than $45,000? Does the true population proportion of customers who live in an urban area exceed 45%? Is the average number of years lived in the current home less than 8 years? Is the credit balance for suburban customers more than $3200? Hypothesis testing and confidence intervals for situations A-D are calculated. A.THE AVERAGE (MEAN) ANNUAL INCOME WAS LESS THAN $45,000. Solution: Step 1: Null Hypothesis: The average (mean) annual income was equal to $45,000. H_0: ? =45,0000 Step2: Alternate Hypothesis: The average (mean) annual was less than $50,000. H_a: ? 45 , a z-test for the mean will be used to test the given hypothesis. As for the alternative hypothesis, which is Ha:? 0. 45 and the given test is a one-tailed (upper-tailed) z-test. Step 4 : Critical Value and Rejection Region: The critical value for significance level is ? =0. 05. The upper tail z-test is 1. 45. Rejection Region: Reject H_0,if z-statistic>1. 645. Step 5: Assumptions: The sample size in this experiment is n 0. 4 95% Lower Sample X N Sample p Bound Z-Value P-Value 1 21 50 0. 420000 0. 305190 0. 29 0. 386 Step 7: Interpretation: According to the calculations, the p-value is 0. 386. This value is larger than the significance level of 0. 05. Therefore, we will not reject the null hypothesis. There is no sufficient evidence to support the claim that the true population proportion of customers who live in an urban area is greater than 40%.Based on the results provided by MINITAB below, the lower 95% confidence limit is 0. 28. Since 0. 42 is greater than the 95% lower confidence limit, hence, we cannot support the claim that the true population proportion of customers who live in an urban area is greater than 45%. Confidence Interval: Test and CI for One Pro portion Sample X N Sample p 95% CI 1 21 50 0. 420000 (0. 283195, 0. 556805) ? C. THE AVERAGE (MEAN) NUMBER OF YEARS LIVED IN THE CURRENT HOME IS LESS THAN 8 YEARS. Solution: Step 1: Null Hypothesis: The average (mean) number of years lived in the current home is equal to 8 years.H_0: ? =8 Step 2: Alternate Hypothesis: The average (mean) number of years lived in the current home is less than 8 years. H_a: ? 50 requires that the z-test for mean be used to test the given hypothesis. The alternative hypothesis is Ha:? 3200 Step 3: Test Statistic: z= Following the provided information, the Significance Level is ? =0. 05. The alternative hypothesis is Ha: ? >3200; therefore, the given test is a one-tailed (upper-tailed) z-test. Step 4: Critical Value and Rejection Region: The critical value for significance level ? =0. 5 for an upper-tailed z-test is given as 1. 645. Rejection Region: Reject H_0,if z-statistic>1. 645. Step 5: Assumptions: The sample size in this speculation is greater tha n 30, therefore, The Central Limit Theorem (CLT) will apply, and no assumptions need to be made. Step 6: Calculation of test statistic: One-Sample Z: Credit Balance ($) Test of mu = 3200 vs > 3200 The assumed standard deviation = 742. 365 95% Lower Variable N Mean StDev SE Mean Bound Z P Credit Balance ($) 15 4675 742 192 4360 1. 96 0. 025 Step 7: Interpretation:According to the above results from MINITAB, the p-value of 0. 038 is smaller than the significance level of 0. 05; consequently, the null hypothesis will be rejected. There is sufficient evidence to support the claim that the average (mean) credit balance for suburban customers is more than $3200. Based on the results from MINITAB, which are provided below, the significance level is 0. 05; therefore, there is sufficient evidence to support the claim that the average (mean) credit balance for suburban customers is more than $3200.MINITAB reveals that the 95% lower confidence limit is 4469; therefore, 3200 is smaller than the 95% lower confidence limit, which means that the claim can be supported regarding the average (mean) credit balance for suburban customers is more than $3200. Confidence Interval One-Sample Z The assumed standard deviation = 742. 365 N Mean SE Mean 95% CI 50 4675 105 (4469, 4881) Conclusion After performing hypothesis testing and confidence intervals on each speculation, we can conclude that from the sample of 50 customers from AJ DAVIS department store, the average (mean) annual income is less than $50,000.We can also conclude that the number of customers that live in urban areas are less than or equal to 40%. The average number of years their customers have lived in their current home is more than 13. Also, the average credit balance for suburban customers is more than $4300. The manager was correct about the speculations of the average income being less than $50,000 and a customers’ credit balance being more than $4,300. For AJ Davis department store to continue a great r elationship with their customers, it wise and imperative that they continue to perform analyses of this magnitude.

Monday, September 16, 2019

Succubus Blues CHAPTER 2

The phone jolted me to consciousness the next morning. Dim, murky light filtered in through my sheer curtains, signifying some freakishly early hour. Around here, however, that amount of light could have indicated anything from sunrise to high noon. After four rings, I finally deigned to answer, accidentally knocking Aubrey out of the bed. She landed with an indignant mhew and stalked off to clean herself. â€Å"Hello?† † Yo, Kincaid?† â€Å"No.† My response came swift and certain. â€Å"I'm not coming in.† â€Å"You don't even know I'm going to ask that.† â€Å"Of course I know. There's no other reason you'd be calling me this early, and I'm not going to do it. It's my day off, Doug.† Doug, the other assistant manager at my day job, was a pretty nice guy, but he couldn't keep a poker face – or voice – to save his life. His cool demeanor immediately gave way to desperation. â€Å"Everyone called in sick today, and now we're strapped. You have to do it.† â€Å"Well, I'm sick too. Believe me, you don't want me there.† Okay, I wasn't exactly sick, but I was still sporting a residual afterglow from being with Martin. Mortals would not â€Å"see† it as Duane had per se, but they would sense it and be drawn to it – men and women alike – without even knowing why. My confinement today would prevent any foolish, lovesick behavior. It was very kind of me, really. â€Å"Liar. You're never sick.† â€Å"Doug, I was already planning on coming back tonight for the signing. If I work a shift today too, I'll be there all day. That's sick and twisted.† â€Å"Welcome to my world, babe. We have no alternative, not if you really care about the fate of the store, not if you truly care about our customers and their happiness†¦Ã¢â‚¬  â€Å"You're losing me, cowboy.† â€Å"So,† he continued, â€Å"the question is, are you going to come here willingly, or do I have to walk over there and drag you out of bed myself? Frankly, I wouldn't mind the latter.† I did a mental eye roll, chiding myself for the billionth time about living two blocks from work. His rambling about the bookstore's suffering had been effective, as he'd known it would. I operated under the mistaken belief that the place couldn't survive without me. â€Å"Well, rather than risk any more of your attempts at witty, sexual banter, I suppose I'll have to come over there. But Doug†¦Ã¢â‚¬  My voice turned hard. â€Å"Yeah?† â€Å"Don't put me on the registers or anything.† I heard hesitation on his end. â€Å"Doug? I'm serious. Not the main registers. I don't want to be around a lot of customers.† â€Å"All right,† he said at last. â€Å"Not the main registers.† â€Å"Promise?† â€Å"I promise.† A half hour later, I stepped outside my door to walk the two blocks to the bookstore. Long clouds hung low, darkening the sky, and a faint chill touched the air, forcing some of my fellow pedestrians to don a coat. I had opted for none, finding my khaki slacks and brown chenille sweater more than sufficient. The clothing, just like the lip gloss and eyeliner I'd carefully applied this morning, were real; I had not shape-shifted into them. I enjoyed the routine nature of applying cosmetics and matching articles of clothing, though Hugh would have claimed I was just being weird again. Emerald City Books & Caf? ¦ was a sprawling establishment, occupying almost a full block in Seattle's Queen Anne neighborhood. It sat two stories high, with the cafe portion dominating a second-floor corner viewing the Space Needle. A cheerful green awning hung over the main door, protecting those customers waiting for the store to open. I walked around them and entered through a side door, using my staff key. Doug assaulted me before I'd taken two steps inside. â€Å"It's about time. We†¦Ã¢â‚¬  He paused and did a double-take, reexamining me. â€Å"Wow. You look†¦ really nice today. Did you do something different?† Only a thirty-four-year-old virgin, I thought. â€Å"You're just imagining things because you're so happy I'm here to fix your staffing problem. What am I doing? Stock?† â€Å"I, er, no.† Doug struggled to snap out of his haze, still looking me up and down in a way I found disconcerting. His interest in dating me was no secret, nor was my continual rejection. â€Å"Come on, I'll show you.† â€Å"I told you – â€Å" â€Å"It's not the main registers,† he promised me. What â€Å"it† turned out to be was the espresso counter in our upstairs cafe. Bookstore staff hardly ever subbed up here, but it wasn't unheard of. Bruce, the cafe manager, popped up from where he'd been kneeling behind the counter. I often thought Doug and Bruce could be twins in a mixed-race, alternate-reality sort of way. Both had long, scraggly ponytails, and both wore a good deal of flannel in tribute to the grunge era neither had fully recovered from. They differed mainly in their coloring. Doug was Japanese-American, black-haired with flawless skin; Bruce was Mr. Aryan Nation, all blond hair and blue eyes. â€Å"Hey Doug, Georgina,† heralded Bruce. His eyes widened at me. â€Å"Whoa, you look great today.† â€Å"Doug! This is just as bad. I told you I didn't want any customers.† â€Å"You told me not the main registers. You didn't say anything about this one.† I opened my mouth to protest, but Bruce interrupted. â€Å"Come on, Georgina, I had Alex call in sick today, and Cindy actually quit.† Seeing my stony expression, he quickly added, â€Å"Our registers are almost identical to yours. It'll be easy.† â€Å"Besides† – Doug raised his voice to a fair imitation of our manager's – † ‘assistant managers are supposed to be able to fill in for anybody around here.' â€Å" â€Å"Yeah, but the cafe – â€Å" † – is still part of the store. Look, I've got to go open. Bruce'll show you what you need to know. Don't worry, it'll be fine.† He hastily darted off before I could refuse again. â€Å"Coward!† I yelled after him. â€Å"It really won't be that bad,† Bruce reiterated, not understanding my dismay. â€Å"You just take the money, and I'll make the espresso. Let's practice on you. You want a white chocolate mocha?† â€Å"Yeah,† I conceded. Everyone I worked with knew about that particular vice. I usually managed to take down three of them a day. Mochas that was, not coworkers. Bruce walked me through the necessary steps, showing me how to mark up the cups and find what I needed to push on the register's touch-screen interface. He was right. It wasn't so bad. â€Å"You're a natural,† he assured me later, handing over my mocha. I grunted in response and consumed my caffeine, thinking I could handle anything so long as the mochas kept coming. Besides, this really couldn't be as bad as the main registers. The cafe probably did no business this time of day. I was wrong. Minutes after opening, we had a line of five people. â€Å"Large latte,† I repeated back to my first customer, carefully punching in the information. â€Å"Already got it,† Bruce told me, starting the beverage before I even had a chance to label the cup. I happily took the woman's money and moved on to my next order. â€Å"A large skinny mocha.† † Skinny's just another word for nonfat, Georgina.† I scrawled NF on the cup. No worries. We could do this. The next customer wandered up and stared at me, momentarily bedazzled. Coming to her senses, she shook her head and blurted out a torrent of orders. â€Å"I need one small drip coffee, one large nonfat vanilla latte, one small double cappuccino, and one large decaf latte.† Now I felt bedazzled. How had she remembered all those? And honestly, who ordered drip anymore? On and on the morning went, and despite my misgivings, I soon felt myself perking up and enjoying the experience. I couldn't help it. It was how I worked, how I carried myself through life. I liked trying new things – even something as banal as ringing up espresso. People could be silly, certainly, but I enjoyed working with the public most of the time. It was how I had ended up in customer service. And once I overcame my sleepiness, my inborn succubus charisma kicked in. I became the star of my own personal stage show, bantering and flirting with ease. When combined with the Martin-induced glamour, I became downright irresistible. While this did result in a number of proffered dates and pickup lines, it also saved me from the repercussions of any mistakes. My customers found no wrong with me. â€Å"That's all right, dear,† one older woman assured me upon discovering I'd accidentally ordered her a large cinnamon mocha instead of a nonfat, decaf latte. â€Å"I really need to branch out into new drinks anyway.† I smiled back winningly, hoping she wasn't diabetic. Later on, a guy came up carrying a copy of Seth Mortensen's The Glasgow Pact. It was the first sign I'd seen of tonight's momentous event. â€Å"Are you going to the signing?† I asked as I rang up his tea. Bleh. Caffeine-free. He studied me for a pregnant moment, and I braced myself for a pass. Instead the guy said mildly, â€Å"Yeah, I'll be there.† â€Å"Well, make sure you think up good questions for him. Don't ask the same ones everyone else does.† â€Å"What do you mean?† â€Å"Oh, you know, the usual. ‘Where do you get your ideas from?' and ‘Are Cady and O'Neill ever going to get together?' â€Å" The guy considered this as I made change. He was cute, in a disheveled sort of way. He had brown hair with a reddish-gold gleam to it, said gleam being more noticeable in the shadow of facial hair crossing his lower face. I couldn't quite decide if he'd intentionally grown a beard or just forgotten to shave. Whatever it was, it had grown in more or less evenly and, when combined with the Pink Floyd T-shirt he wore, presented the image of a sort of hippie-lumberjack. â€Å"I don't think the ‘usual questions' make them any less meaningful to the one doing the asking,† he decided at last, seeming shy about contradicting me. â€Å"To a fan, each question is new and unique.† He stepped aside so I could wait on another customer. I continued the conversation as I took the next order, unwilling to pass up the opportunity to discuss Seth Mortensen intelligently. â€Å"Forget the fans. What about poor Seth Mortensen? He probably wants to impale himself each time he gets one of those.† † ‘Impale' is kind of a strong word, don't you think?† â€Å"Absolutely not. The guy's brilliant. Hearing idiotic questions must bore him to tears.† A bemused smile played across the man's mouth, and his steady brown eyes weighed me carefully. When he realized he was staring so openly, he glanced away, embarrassed. â€Å"No. If he's out touring, he cares about his fans. He doesn't mind the repetitive questions.† â€Å"He's not out touring for altruism. He's out touring because the publicists at his publishing house are making him tour,† I countered. â€Å"Which is also a waste of time, by the way.† He dared a look back at me. â€Å"Touring is? You don't want to meet him?† â€Å"I – well, yes, of course I do. It's just, that†¦ okay. Look, don't get me wrong. I worship the ground this guy walks on. I'm excited to meet him tonight. I'm dying to meet him tonight. If he wanted to carry me off and make me his love slave, I'd do it, so long as I got advance copies of his books. But this touring thing†¦ it takes time. Time that would be better spent writing the next book. I mean, haven't you seen how long his books take to come out?† â€Å"Yeah. I've noticed.† Just then, a previous customer returned, complaining he'd gotten caramel syrup instead of caramel sauce. Whatever that meant. I offered a few smiles and sweet apologies, and he soon didn't care about the caramel sauce or anything else. By the time he left my register, the Mortensen fan guy was gone too. When I finally finished my shift around five, Doug came to meet me. â€Å"I heard some interesting things about your performance up here.† â€Å"I hear interesting things about your ‘performance' all the time, Doug, but you don't hear me making jokes about it.† He bandied with me a bit more and finally released me to get ready for the signing, but not before I'd made him humbly acknowledge how much he owed me for my kindness today. Between him and Hugh, I was accruing favors all over the place. I practically ran the two blocks home, anxious to grab some dinner and figure out what I wanted to wear. My exhilaration was growing. In an hour or so, I'd be meeting my all-time favorite author. Could life get any better? Humming to myself, I took the stairs two at a time and produced my keys with a flourish that only I noticed or appreciated. As I opened the door, a hand suddenly grabbed me and pulled me roughly inside, into the darkness of my apartment. I yelped in surprise and fear as I was shoved up against the door, slamming it shut. The lights burst on suddenly and unexpectedly, and the faint smell of sulfur wafted through the air. Although the brightness made me wince, I could see well enough to recognize what was going on. Hell hath no fury like a pissed-off demon.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Airbus Consortium

Turbulence wrecks Airbus Consortium Airbus Industry is a consortium of European aircraft-manufacturing companies formed in 1970 to meet the demand for short- to medium-range, high-capacity jetliners. Members include the German, French and Spanish-owned European Aeronautic Defense and Space Company EADS (80% stake) and the British owned BAE Systems (20%). Since its inception, Airbus has become a case study for how a multi-lateral consortium can be a disaster in a market-sensitive industry like Aviation.Technical and cultural issues †¢Socio-cultural differences: It is well known throughout Europe that Germans prefer consensus and involving others in decision making, while the French like to have a centralized committee making all major decisions. The Spanish are known to be flexible but not very communicative. All these differences have hugely impacted productivity and working efficiency within Airbus. †¢Governmental interference: It’s hard to enforce economic efficien cy where subsidies are involved.Every time there was a crisis in investment or Opex, the governments of the countries involved jumped in to help out their respective players in the consortium. This led to huge overheads and repeated delays. †¢Technical oversight: Incompatibility in the versions of CATIA software used by plants in Toulouse, France and Hamburg, Germany resulted in 530 kms of cable wiring throughout the aircraft having to be completely redesigned. This delayed the launch of Airbus A380 for two years, and as much as $6. 1 billion in losses and penalties for late-delivery. A fractured assembly line: Owing to political compulsions, different parts of the aircraft were built at different locations: nose sections in France, fuselages in Germany, wings in UK, tails in Spain, etc, while the final assembly was done in Toulouse (France). All this led to overheads in logistics, not to mention communication gaps, and unforeseen delays. †¢HR issues: Positions and placeme nts in top management is always a prickly issue, even in well-managed corporate companies owned by a single entity.The same can become hundred-fold in a joint-venture of this magnitude. To make matters worse, Governments of the countries involved tried to lobby for top positions to their representatives, along with manufacturing contracts to their native countries. A direct consequence of all this was that the launch of Airbus A380 had to be pushed from 2006 to 2008. With several airlines canceling their orders, this resulted in a loss of over 2 billion Euros, a drastic cut in the size of the workforce, closure of a few plants, and a highly damaged brand image.Lessons Learned †¢While workplace diversity is desirable in general, adequate research must be done on both its short-term and long-term impact. †¢While technical glitches can be easily overcome, cultural differences should be highlighted and pro-active measures undertaken towards cultural integration. †¢Ability or Proficiency cannot be taken for granted, and Training of employees must be an integral part of any joint venture. †¢Deadlines must be realistic and all issues known or unknown must be factored, as all of them have an impact on the final delivery.

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Anthropology sociology Essay

Culture as defined by anthropologist Tylor; â€Å"is that complex whole which includes the knowledge, belief, art, morals, law, customs, and any other capabilities and habits acquired by man as a member of society. † Greenblatt recognizes this definition as vague and more of a gesture towards other more specific cultures such as : â€Å"youth culture† or â€Å"human culture†. He makes his most definitive statement about culture when defining what it does not refer to- materials. Panegyric and satirical writing are both involved with the â€Å"praise and blame† of literature. Panegyric takes on the â€Å"praise† by positively reinforcing societal structures. Whereas, satire plays the â€Å"blame† card working towards pointing out the faux pas of society. Cultivation is â€Å"the internalization and practice of a code of manners†. â€Å"Exchange† is the means in which mobility is achieved. It is the borrowing of plots and adaptations from other literary works; that aren’t necessarily a part of the writers culture. Exchange is the transmission of other cultures. Exchange reaches beyond the social â€Å"constraints† of society. Culture is created through this â€Å"praise and blame† system that takes place both inside the text and also in society. Which works of literature are glorified and held up by a society? And which works of literature are looked down upon by society? Great artists are agents of mobility. Riding this in between zone of â€Å"praise and blame† — they represent the â€Å"and† the possibility of improvisations amongst a particular society. Literature in this sense is both a byproduct of culture but also literature aids in creating the social restraints of a culture. These two concepts constantly reinforce each other in a circular way– making both the mobility and the constraints of culture a possibility. This idea of mobility and constraints also bring to mind the author’s intention. It seems to me that the author will inherently represent culture in his/her writing because that is what is known– that would be the part that wasn’t intended, the constraints of society. However, I think cultural exchange and mobility would have to of been intended by the author–the ideal vision of what they think the world should be like.

Friday, September 13, 2019

Harmful Effects of Anti-Shia Discrimination Assignment

Harmful Effects of Anti-Shia Discrimination - Assignment Example Discrimination against the Shi’a has led to their inability to practice their religion, which has caused resentment towards their Sunni counterparts, as they are denied their right to worship. For example, Chehab in Sunni vs. Shia: All You Need to Know claims that â€Å"Jordanian tribes have banned Shi’as from paying homage at the historical grave site of a prominent Shi’a imam† (13). ...This led to protests in which over fifty Shi’a members either were killed or went missing. The Shi’a Muslims are also disallowed to access religious centers such as mosques, forcing them to perform their prayers on Friday in their houses (Chehab 13). This means that Shi’a Muslims, despite being part of the broader Islam family, are second-class religious citizens in most Muslim dominated countries. They are treated no differently than Christians, who are discriminated against in the same way and might as well be without religion. This has all the hallm arks of an irreversible religious war if unchecked. In addition, all able-bodied Muslims are required to visit Mecca at least once in their lifetime, which is one of Islam’s five pillars, to perform the Hajj. Although this event is supposed to count as one of the most intense religious times in the Muslim calendar, a group of Shi’as who were on a pilgrimage was arrested in 2009 by the Saudi religious police. This was part of Sunni Muslims,’ particularly the Wahhabi sect’s, aim to â€Å"purify Islam of any innovations or practices that deviate from the seventh-century teachings of the Prophet Muhammad and his companions† (Giritlioglu 1). The incident resulted in one of the pilgrims, a fifteen-year-old boy, being shot in the head and chest, while a Shi’a sheik was knifed by an unknown person in the back for being what he termed as a rejectionist. Allowed to continue, such actions can only lead to reprisal attacks in Shi’a majority count ries, resulting in a never-ending cycle of violence.

Thursday, September 12, 2019

Child Development Junk Food Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Child Development Junk Food - Essay Example Increasing rate of obesity, lower IQ, excessive use of artificial flavours, and the increasing rate of heart diseases, excessive blood pressure, and diabetes and cholesterol variations among the children give warning about the dangers of junk foods and it underlines the fact that junk foods have an effect on natural growth of children and it creates barriers in development process. Excessive use of junk foods affect development process and some studies endow with evidence that a considerable rate of difference in IQ level between children who practiced fast foods and children consumed vegetables and fruits. Jenny Hope rightly remarks; â€Å"Children who eat more chips, crisps, biscuits and pizza before the age of three have a lower IQ five years later, a study showed† (Hope, 2011). Young children who followed junk foods forced to accept more fat in their body and they get few vitamins and nutrients. Consequently, their brain never develops to optimum level. Children having low er IQ level show poor academic performance in their learning activities. Sooner or later, they feel practical problems in acquiring various skills like critical thinking, problem solving, decision making, listening, speaking, reading and writing. In case of physical health, junk foods put in severe health problems such as, obesity, depression, diabetes, and heart diseases. Generally, fast foods contain excessive amount of artificial flavours, colours, preservatives and other chemicals. All the above mentioned chemicals are not useful for human body. In addition, a child’s body is not capable to handle these chemicals. Development in scientific technology provides new facilities for cooking and these technological changes often forced the people to create a new food habit. â€Å"These innovations contributed to a shift away from home-cooked meals toward processed food, thus increasing obesity† (Paxon, 2006, p.71). Healthcare officials and doctors have forced to practice improved diet through consuming fresh fruits, vegetables and grains. Obesity and related overweight problems create critical health problems in a child’s life. It negatively affects child’s academic performances as well as physical growth. A recent study reports that approximately 30 percent of North American children are obese. The report also mentions that â€Å"In general, children eat too much, and much of what they eat is unhealthy† (Health in Motion, 2008). Unlike North American children, immigrant children consume few processed foods and eat more fresh foods and vegetables. As a result, immigrant children always keep better performance in their health than other children. Another significant problem is that junk foods have been connected to cholesterol and it paves the way for high blood pressure because of excessive sodium content. High blood pressure increases the possibility of heart strokes and related heart diseases. Overwhelming use of processed fo ods creates barriers in the process of digestion and human body always forced to spend maximum energy for digestion. Discussions about the value of junk foods have acquired serious attention among the doctors as well as in media. Consumers are not aware about the quality of these processed foods and often used worst items. Producers of fast foods used high amount of sugar content which gives unusual fat in human body. The online article entitled; Eating Junk Food

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Vidkon Quisling Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Vidkon Quisling - Essay Example underlying dynamics of the rise of Nazi Germany, Hitler, and the occupation of Norway and other European countries during this pivotal period in the history of the involved countries, and Europe in general. The historical records identify Quisling as belonging in the halls of infamy, having been tagged as one of the most prominent traitors from the Second World War. He served as a puppet head of Norway during the Second World War, starting in 1942, with the Nazis propping up his rule, and as a representative of Nazi rule in the country. The elected head of Norway during this period was forced to go into exile in Great Britain, a social democrat in Johan Nygaardsvold, even as Quisling held on to power all the way to the end of the war. After that, with the Nazis defeated and driven out of the country, Quisling would go on to be tried and convicted of high treason, for which he was sentenced to death by firing squad. Quisling has, since that time become associated with the word traitor in the English language, and in other major European languages besides, attesting to the notoriety that the man gained in the historical records and the collective memory of all Europeans from that time onwards to the present. Among his many crimes, for which he was put to death, was collaboration with the Nazis in transporting the Jews in Norway during his time and bringing them to their death in the concentration camps. Prior to his ascension to power in Norway, he had already developed anti-Jewish sentiments, and among his other crimes included deposing the legally installed government as well as the Norwegian monarchy from power from 1942 onwards. In the 1930’s too, Quisling had already established a party that was allied with the Nazi cause in Norway, planting the seeds of his later collaboration with Hitler when he tried to seize power on behalf of Nazi Germany in 1940. Prior to this time Norway had been neutral, and this act and his collaboration with Nazi Germany eff ectively

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Marketing Makes Strong Fashion Brands Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Marketing Makes Strong Fashion Brands - Essay Example The essay "Marketing Makes Strong Fashion Brands" discovers the role of marketing in the future of the fashion brands. The stage is called Outward Marketing. Without properly undergoing through these two stages, difficulties may arise according to Carter McNamara, MBA, â€Å"As a result, they often end up trying to push products onto people who really don't want the products at all. Effective inbound marketing often results in much more effective and less difficult outbound marketing and sales.† The key therefore is to conduct good inbound marketing as a foundation to outbound marketing. Bearing this advice in mind, businesses will have a fair chance of succeeding in the highly competitive market. The strongest element in Inbound Marketing that leading companies spend a lot on is Outbound marketing is the outward manifestation that directly interacts with people. The most powerful element of outbound marketing is advertising. The Britannica Concise Encyclopedia defines adverti sing techniques and practices as making â€Å"the public to notice products for the purpose of persuading the public to respond in a certain way.† People will know of the product, identify with it and buy it. Ioana Chioveanu (2006), names this as â€Å"persuasive advertising which induces brand loyalty in consumers who would otherwise buy the cheapest alternative on the market.† This is the very essence of advertising and companies spend a lot on advertising. In fact a survey of the Leading National Advertisers.

Monday, September 9, 2019

Buyer Behavior Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words - 1

Buyer Behavior - Essay Example e a product is relatively expensive and possibly technologically complex, prospective purchasers often go through a complex search and evaluation process prior to making a purchase. Various models of consumer behaviour have been developed over the years. The models reflect the different buying situations in which consumers find themselves. Factors influencing consumer behaviour must be considered as well as similar factors influencing the buying decisions in business to business transactions. An understanding of these factors and how they influence the buying decision are extremely important when putting together a selling strategy. Market research also plays an important part in helping to identify relevant facts about buyer behaviour (consumer or organizational) and provides all kinds of information which forms the basis of strategy formulation. A motive to make a certain purchase is an internal state of the purchase. While consumer behavior is observable, motives are psychological constructs that can only be inferred. Buying motives for consumer products may be classified as economic, emotional, product, and retail patronage. Some of the motives may be rational while others are emotional. To illustrate, economic motives include product durability or economy in use. Emotional motives might include romance, pleasure, or prestige. Product purchase motives might involve ease for making repairs or ease of installation. Patronage motives relate to variety for selection or promptness in delivery. Motives relate to perception. Motives come from the consumers real self, self-image, ideal self, and looking-glass self. The way consumers envision the situation to themselves helps to shape their reactions or responses to marketers appeals (Sharon, Boyle, 2004: 343). Consumer goals and needs are constantly changing in response to environmental conditions, interaction with others, and physical conditions. As individuals realize their goals, new objectives may be

System Planning Standards Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

System Planning Standards - Research Paper Example Moreover, location of the airport was done off the busy city of Hong Kong where the previous airport was located. The new airport took the safety of passengers into consideration and the new airport has several runaways which are long for any kind of airplane. The Hong Kong international airport operates one of the most efficient cargo and passenger handling system. The airport is the largest cargo handling airport and it has one of the biggest passenger terminals in the world. The airport makes use of scanners and mechanized operation to handle cargo (Davenport,  2008). In terms of environmental protection measures the airport is served with railways and roads that ensure little waste is polluted to the air and the environment. Moreover, the airport design allows for a lot of lighting through transparent glass and building design that ensures little energy is used (Conklin, 2006). The airport design and construction was done in consultation of many bodies such as the FAA and several regulatory procedures were followed in the airport

Sunday, September 8, 2019

Habits of mind Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Habits of mind - Assignment Example Translation of such approach into an amicable enhanced strategy entails use of past knowledge related to the given English concept in establishing the most relevant interpretation. Enhancement of the strategy is critical in enabling a more viable restrictive approach within the study. Moreover, an enhancement strategy domineers in realization of the most dominant approach towards the given study. Consequently, enhanced creativity assists in a more visionary thinking and attainment of the most relevant analysis. Consequently, effective application of critical thinking and creativity dominates in proper potential restriction of the most imperative concepts within a specific study. It is domineering to enhance such self-articulated strategies using previously acquired knowledge for more amicable understanding. Essentially, such previously gained knowledge is authoritative in augmenting an existing idea that is crucial in a given poetic analysis. Moreover, a vivid understanding the specified concepts assists in augmenting analysis and improvement of the desired potential approach. Therefore, engagement of the most relevant and amicable potentially restrictive approach assists in essential understanding. My habits of mind reacted to the poem with questioning, thought, listening, empathy and striving to attain accuracy. Foremost, I struggled to reconnect the essay with my past experiences relating to interpretation of a poem and its accurate analysis. Above all, I was forecasted to manage any potential risks that might associate with interpretation and analysis of the poem. Through extensive listening and association of previous experiences involving poem interpretation, I evaluated the poem’s theme and deduced its intended meaning (Walcott 1). The habit of mind relating to intelligence listening and questioning enabled me to link the